Executive Committee instituted is mandated to act for the Steering Committee in executing all decisions of the Steering Committee requiring attention between the latter’s meetings. The Committee comprises of the Chairperson, Vice chairperson, Secretary General, Organizing Secretary and the Treasurer. The Committee executes its duties through the vibrant Secretariat that is headed by the Executive Director.
Mr. Kamau Aidi
Mr Kamau Aidi is the Chairperson SOCATT(K) and the Clerk of the Kirinyaga County Assembly.He is also a member of human resource committee.
Ms. Jane Mutai
Jane Mutai is the Vice Chairperson of SOCATT (K).She is also the Clerk of Elgeyo Marakwet County Assembly .She is a member of the the Legal committee.
Mr. Leboo Saisa
Mr. Leboo Saisa is the Secretary General SOCATT(K)and the Clerk of the Kajiado County Assembly.He is a member of the legal commitee
Mr. Michael Ngala
Mr Michael Ngala is the Treasurer SOCATT(K) and the Clerk of Kilifi County Assembly. He is also a member of the finance committee.
Mr. Mahmoud Santur
Mahmoud Santur is the Organizing Secretary of SOCATT (K)and is also in the steering commitee. He is also the Clerk of Garissa County Assembly. He is a member of finance committee